Andrea Puligheddu
who I am
My legal practice is focused on privacy and data protection, cybersecurity and entertainment law.
I am fellow of the Italian Center for Privacy and New Technologies (CSPNT) and member of the Army Studies Center (CSE) as legal counsel.
JD at University of Bologna Law School in 2015, master’s thesis abroad at DLA Piper UK in collaboration with Google Brussels.
Therefore I am founder member of IMAGE – cultural association for the promotion of visual and photojournalistic language.
I provide both national and international legal advisory services in the aforementioned matters as well as assistance in disputes related to Data Protection Authorities in EU.
I held the role of Data Protection Officer for many primary public and private entities in the world of health software & technologies companies, internet service providers, Infosec, TELCO and hardware suppliers.
Between 2018 and 2019 member of European Alliance for Artificial Intelligence Law, program held by European Commission in Brussels.
At the Privacy and New Technologies Studies Center he is the custodian of the research area on critical infrastructures. At the Army Study Center he holds the role of legal consultant in the context of some study projects commissioned by the Italian Army High Command (SME) relating to the development of the cyber capabilities of the Italian Army and CycOp cyber security in the context of multi-domain operations.
Lecturer in photography and artistic production law for a national accredited media school.
Lecturer at several EM (Executive Master’s of law) on UNI ISO 11697:2017 e UNI PdR 43:2018 standard controls.
Accredited as Cyber Security Auditor for international certifications authorities (Accredia – Kiwa Cermet)
Advanced Certificated in Coding for lawyers, AI legal application and Legal Tech program (University of Milan – 2021)
Author of some publications in privacy law and data protection policies, also in a geopolitical perspective. Some of publishers: Limes – Italian Review of Geopolitics; Difesa Online; Analisi Difesa; Pandora Review; Business Insider; Diritto Mercato e Tecnologia; Affari Italiani.
Publisher for King’s College of London, European Commercial Law Review (KSLR).
I’m literally an innovation enthusiast.
Love to play violin, piano and guitar in my spare time, otherwise studying strategy and geopolitics contemporary. I have always been interested on new technologies, both in an academic paradigm as in a professional area, and after law studies that passion has been transferred into methodical application of skills and professionalism.
Privacy, Data Protection & Cloud
Law of new technologies
Internet and Social Media law
Privacy & Defence