Training & workshop

For the Law Firm Studio Legale Privacy, training – at every level- is not just a business asset to be taken in strong consideration, but also an actual essential value of great importance, in particular when it comes to privacy.

The Firm cooperates proactively in relation to projects designed in partnership with training bodies of national significance as well as with individual undertakings and companies wanting a service tailored for their specific necessities.

The Firm’s professionals are lecturers in Workshops and Masters structured in accordance with UNI 11697:2017 and finalized to the obtaining of DPO, Privacy manager, Privacy evaluator and Privacy specialist certification.

Among the serveral activities organized by the Firm there are corporate training courses, meetings, workshop , and events for raising awreness, train and promote a culture on privacy and personal data security. .

In the light of GDPR, the Law Firm offers:


  1. GDPR Top Management

Aimed to show the essential element of GDPR, with special attention to liability aspects and sanctions
: Top Manager; Board of Directors; Data Controllers
Lenght: max 4 h

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  1. GDPR Entry Level

Aimed to show the first framework of the new Reg. UE n. 679/2016 (GDPR) and related rules
Recipients: employees authorized to process personal data in need of an initial training
Lenght: half a day /1 day, 4-6-8 h

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  1. GDPR Full

Aimed to an in-depth training on GDPR and related italian rules of implemetation (e.g. Privacy Code)
Recipients: DPOs; IT Managers; Privacy Officers; Privacy Managers, Privacy Evaluators and Privacy Specialists; other figures entrusted with activities with a significant privacy impact (HR; marketing…)
Lenght: to be determined according to the Client’s needs (2 days minimum)

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  1. GDPR Update

Aimed to show and analyse all the most recent data protection and privacy updates
Recipients: DPOs; IT Managers; Privacy Officers; Privacy Managers, Privacy Evaluators and Privacy Specialists; other figures entrusted with activities with a significant privacy impact (HR; marketing…), who already have a good knowledge of the general framework
Lenght: 1 day, 8 h

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  1.  NEW ! GDPR Data Breach

in partnership with Sicuri Effetti –

Innovative Format, originated from the collaboration between the Law Firm and Sicuri Effetti (higly speicialized company in designing and implementing security solutions) consisting in a detailed and dynamic analysis of all the elements (legal, tech and organizational) involved by the occurrence of a personal data breach. The class, directed together by legals and ITs, is characterized by a data breach “simulation” which acts as a fil rouge and leads to all the necessary insights.
Recipients: Privacy Manager, Privacy Evaluator, Privacy Specialist
Lenght: to be determined according to the Client’s needs. It can vary from 1 to 5 days, depending on the needs.

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  1.  NEW ! GDPR PdR 43:2018

Aimed to show the content and opportunity of obtaining a certification offered by UNI/PdR43.1:2018  “Guidelines on the management of personal data in the ICT field according to Regulation UE 679/2016 (GDPR) – Management and monitoring of personal data in the ICT field”.
Recipients: Top Managers; Data Controllers, DPOs, IT Managers; Privacy Officers, Quality Managers.
Lenght: 1 day

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All the courses can be provided in classical mode (vis-a-vis) or in e-learning mode (remotely). .

The Firm is available to further customizethe training classes,according on the Clients’ specific needs.

Contact us. We are available for a comparison without obligation.

I have read the information provided pursuant to art. 13 EU Reg. N. 679/2016 "GDPR" and available at the following link




I have read the information provided pursuant to art. 13 EU Reg. No. 679/2016 "GDPR" and available at the following link
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