Leg. Decree 231/2001
Leg. Decree 231/2001 – liability of companies and legal entities
Companies and legal entities risks to be subkect to criminal proocedings for the commission, by their representatives or top management or employees, of a long list of crimes (ranging from corruption to crimes for the violation of the consolidated text on workplace safety; from cyber-crimes to environmental crimes, and so on). The applicable sanctions are both preemptive penalties as well as fines (up to more than 1.5 million Euros). The essential action, for companies and legal entities, in order to avoid the application of a sanction, is the creation of a proper and efficient MOG (organizational and management model), able to m inimize the risk of crime commission. Furthermore, more and more often the MOG 231 adoption becomes conditio sine qua non for the participation at tenders or public procurements
Studio Legale Privacy offers its legal support for the implementation of a adequate MOG.