Consultancy on UNI/PdR 43:2018
The GDPR introduces, in art. 42, the possibility for every organization to pursue a data protection certification.
Said certification was established with the new UNI/PdR 43.1:2018, and originating from the collaboration between the Italian DPA and the Accredia certification organism, in compliance with art. 42 of GDPR. The certification ((belonging to the only branch officially foreseen by GDPR, that is ISO/IEC 17065/2012) is a first in the field of data protection and represents the chance for the certified subjects to benefit from all its mechanisms.
Studio Legale Privacy offers , for both private as well as public entities, training courses (in partnership with other entities) and consultant activities with the purpose of providing useful guide and coaching for the achievement of the certification, as well as for manageing the processes and the activities determined by UNI/PdR 43.1:2018 relating to the processing of personal data in the ICT field.